
Absorbers are normal animals or people who somehow (Non possumus dicere) gained a massive hunger, desire to hunt and the ability to absorb parts of its kills. This makes each absorber unique, with different weapons and methods of attack. As you can imagine they are extremely dangerous and hard to defend from or attack.

Absorbers can somehow stop their immune system attacking the foreign objects and limbs. Some scientists believe it to be a kind of hive mind. Each cell speaks to one another, causing changes to be made to the body and thus, the fusion of creatures to take place. If that's the case it could be used for medical use, transplants might not even need to be done with the same species let alone blood type. This is being tested, but if this goes wrong it could just turn normal people into absorbers.

Note: some people who have survived an attack by an injured one or even been bitten by one have ended up becoming an absorber too. Some absorbers have even been shown to regret their actions, some even tried to remove their absorber parts until their monstrous side stops them. Our best bet is that it is unwilling, or an irresistable urge, something you instantly regret once its happened. we have tried but we cant find a way to cure them, this may unfortunately be permanent once infected.

Types of absorbers:

- Normal - These consist of creatures that fuse with one or more creatures but its still easy to tell what it was originally.

- Plant based - Some plants managed to become absorbers, fusing with other nearby plants, these obviously don't hunt, some work similarly to fly traps but most are unable to, at least until they fuse with more creatures.

- Complex - These are uncommon but these are ones so fused together its hard to tell what it was originally.

- Mixed - These are creatures where plants and animals mix, normally when a animal is caught by a plant based one. It's highly unlikely for a normal or complex absorber to absorb plants.

- None living parts of absorbers - some absorbers have for some reason absorbers immanent objects. this can be concerning considering if they realise they can do this then they could easily create armoured layers or more deadly weapons. 

- Nest - Rumours circulate of a extremely rare case where an absorber will mould serval creatures together, brains and organs included, into a sort of fleshy mass. Apparently it rewires the nervous system so it can only operate vital organs or maybe some other organs or even a limb if the creature is lucky enough. The reason for this, or even its existence, is unknown, but it has been theorised it is like replacement parts. The original absorber comes back when its injured and uses it as an organ doner or limb doner. Maybe even to harvest food, like some kind of grotesque farm.

- Kaiju - Like the nest, this is extremely rare but in this case I can tell you its true, I've seen one. Around a small lake I was sent to check out, I found all the tree roots fused together. It seemed fine and normal until I noticed a bit of flesh in the wood of a tree. then I realised, although this place had insects and even small birds there was nothing bigger. No pigeons, no foxes or rabbits. Nothing. I turned to head back and noticed some berry bushes with what seemed to be teeth and bones barely sticking out the ground, a "dead bird" in the centre. The whole place was like a massive trap.

The truly terrifying part was when we returned, we heard a scream. Once we got to it we saw a half buried person screaming bloody murder. it begged and reasoned with us. Apparently his legs were crushed and he was dragged down. We didn't help, I could see the bones around him. Not even an inch of blood.

I went back a few days later with friends and gasoline. We burnt that place to the ground... but as it burnt the ground lifted, it tried to get up. Luckily it burnt to death before anyone was hurt. I dread to think what could of happened if it didn't. we are looking for other Kaijus as we speak.

Frequently asked questions about absorbers:

"Are absorbers infectious?"

We can not tell, some rumours state they can be, but nothing has been confirmed, the exact cause of absorbers is complicated. Some people have turned without attacks, some have been attacked and not turned, but it is true there's an above average amount of people and/or animals who turn into absorbers after an attack rather then those who haven't encountered an absorber.

In one studied completed last month, consisting of people after they experienced an absorber attack, it showed about 24% of those attacked by absorbers ended up themselves transforming, compare to less then .1% who turn without encountering an absorber.


"Can they reproduce?"

There has been no reported incidents of absorbers breeding, in fact in many cases they only keep what's needed to survive and hunt rather then using energy on other functions like reproduction. Some have reported absorbers displaying signs of entertainment and in rare cases sections of the brain governing morals, speech and others, but this is rare and most leave the brain intact.  


"Where do they originate from?"

It is not officially known where they first came from.


"How do they absorber creatures?"

it is unknown the exact method of absorbing. From looking at the remains of serval absorbers, some of which were half way throw the process, it can be understood that the skin, muscle, nerves and other tissues, fuse with the absorber, almost like the way transplants work but the body naturally fuses from parts. In one study of some captured and or deceased absorbers , it showed the process worked more efficiently through cuts, starting by fusing the veins and artery's, then working up the rest of the tissue. normal consumption all works pretty effectively but this leaves parts chewed and not much other then extra flesh able to be salvaged. but there is another way which seems to be the most common, they bite through specific areas they want to absorber or just absorber the whole creature by pressing the victim agenst there own body, the skin cell after about 10-20 minuets fuses with the victim and absorber then fuse together.

Depending on the method used, (through a cut being faster and digestion the slowest) this can take about a day to upwards of weeks to fully fuse a new part. Another point of interest is about half way throw the absorber will have the extra part absorbed by be unable to move it leaving them tending to be stuck in one perdition for the rest of the time absorbing.

again the exact process is unknown but some scientist and looking into medical uses.

"are absorbers solitary creatures?"

for the most part yes, but in some cases if well freed an absorber can bond and stick with another of its kind. in one case a man found and recorded one tending to a deceased absorber, seeming to morn its death. it should be noted this is only absorbers not other creatures, if a pet or worst a friend or family member turn, they are not in there. 


"where do absorber settle?"

absorbers do not settle in one place, they adapt to live in any environment their placed or formed in. some forests, some old buildings, some even caves or pounds.


"why is none answering the absorber help line?"

unfortunately the absorber help line is very busy, leave a message and if you need urgent assistance attempt to contact a hunter or post the location of said absorber or incident online. we have some people searching various sites and apps for absorber threats, hopefully we'll be able to pick up on it are get help to you although this may take longer then a direct contact.


"how do absorbers reshape themselves?"

over time absorbers body slowly fuses and reshape, it starts with there body looking very mixed, the limbs are clearly from different animals and most of them are just an animal with extra limbs, but later the body can reshape to look more natural. the skin becoming the same shade, toughness and texture over the hole body and the bones and muscles spread out and reform to look much less recognisable.

this also interestingly allow wounds to heal much faster then ordinary creatures.

how this is done is currently unknown, our best theory is either the cells can some how communicate with each other (which is highly unlikely and doesn't explain how it reshapes), the absorbers have some other cell which can understand the use of and move other cell, or there is a yet understood other option, the chances are its this way. some scientists bring up possibly likes to quantum physics but there isn't much evidence for this and it seems more or less like a shoot in the dark.


"can absorbers be cured?"

unfortunately there currently is no evidence or even rumours of absorbers being able to be cured. this is not to say it cant be but as of currently there is no evidence.

along side the NHS researching how they can be used in medical use, their also looking into weather there is any way of reversing it but it can be hard to do without any live specimens to test.  

This video is holds useful safety tips for anyone worried about the threat an absorber would pose. If you watch carefully you may even find more then expected.

Hunters Against Absorbers (HAA):

The hunters against absorbers originally started by our head hunter and a group of his close friends coming together to take out absorbers in there local area using weapons they had for hunting. Hence the name. Apparently the head hunter chose to start doing this after facing an absorber who tried to attack his family but because of watching the absorber warning video he was able to kill the creature and save his family.

Now we work as a undercover operation hunting absorbers and trying to save as many people as we can. Some of us go to hunt these creatures down, others like me work to warn people of absorbers and get the word out there are people trying to do something about them. Unfortunately due to police and government intervention we are forced to do this illegally and due to that most hunters are unable to buy proper weapons in fear of being traced back to them, instead most use what they have or even craft there own weapons to help fight said creatures.

How to contact:

Unfortunately, again this organisation is technically illegal, even if hunting absorbers wasn't, the human based ones are claimed to be people, not absorbers and the ones excepting its an absorber argue ethics of killing them. Long story short we can't have a public number to call, there is the governments one but they are... Unreliable, at best. Due to this you either need to get evidence (video or picture) to get them to investigate. 

Note: one person we are in contact with tried to call the number but couldn't get though for days and when they did found they weren't able to provide enough proof due to "the absorber looking like a outfit". Claiming it to be a prank.

We can be contacted though. At our current point we have members across the globe, chances are a friend of a friend knows a hunter. Tell people about the absorber problem and try to let it spread though word of mouth. If that's not enough ask people directly if they know anyone who could be apart or it or know someone who's apart of it. by now a friend of a friend should know one of us.

How to become a member:

Becoming a member is hard, normally you have to either hunt an absorber or prove yourself another way. Even then there's levels of trust. At my level I know a lot even being able to design and write the hidden stuff page, but I still don't know everything, like the person who made the video.

Once your in its just about working up the ranks. At first you'll be told a mission objective (check an area for absorbers, hunt an absorber, remove evidence of HAA) throw messages, then eventually you'll be trusted on the hidden stuff page and be able to meet higher ups face to face, here you could be invited to bigger hunts for either locations with high amounts of absorbers or even fight a larger, isolated one. then if you managed to get to my level or above you can join meeting with higher ups and even help work on websites and videos to help get the message out there.